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Monday, March 1, 2010


I was quite happy when my publisher asked me if I'd like to review Brooke Parker's self-help book, Love Your Body. I had met Brooke as I was leaving a book signing at Confetti Books, and in that few moments, I was quite impressed with her both as a person and a professional. She really knows her stuff.

But . . .
when I read Love Your Body, I was even more impressed, and in some ways, I consider it a godsend. In fact, I frequently work with young women, and as I read Love Your Body, I kept thinking, "Every woman needs to read this book."

Why? Let me start by sharing the copy from the back of the book:

Are you tired of dieting and feeling unsatisfied with your appearance? In this book, registered dietitian Brooke Parker shares secrets for developing a positive body image and creating your own customized eating plan. You¹ll also learn how to replace negative thoughts about yourself with positive, motivating thoughts.

With the tools you master in Love Your Body, the scale, the media, and your "skinny jeans" will no longer have the power to determine your mood or your life!

Topics include:

€ Finding a New Relationship with Food

€ Honoring Your Hunger and Fullness

€ Finding Your Own Healthy Balance

€ Creating Healthy Expectations

€ The Inner Dialogue

€ Put an End to Worry

€ Your Body Is a Gift

€ Eliminating the Physical Triggers

€ Destructive Thinking Styles

€ Pampering Activities

. . . and many more.

And now for the reason: Because Love Your Body does exactly what it promises to do: it helps you learn to love your body. Not because it's the next greatest diet book, because it's not (although it does offer a few, very helpful tips that can aid in weight loss). But because it's main purpose, as I see it, is to help us accept and love the physical part of who we are right now. I mean, what woman out there doesn't "dis" some part of her anatamony? And when she does, does she feel happy or sad afterward?

I won't answer that question, but I will say that while there are some editing flaws in the book, there are so many useful tips they can be easily overlooked.

Here's an example of just how helpful Love Your Body was for me. I have an unnamed part of my body, unrelated to weight, that has always disappointed, hampered and embarrassed me, and it's something I can do very little about. However, shortly after reading this book, I was busy with a mundane task when I noticed that "offending" part of me. Usually, such a small event could quickly dampen my emotions, but not that day. That day--and I know it was because I read Love Your Body--I automatically thought, "I'm so glad I have __________. They help me to ___________ and ______________ and ______________." What a break through!


Anonymous said...

When I was reading it, I was also thinking about the YW program, and how it would be so wonderful if they all read and understood the things talked about in this book. And the YM too!

Kellie said...

Ronda, I'm so excited to read this book. I tried to fill out the form to be entered in the contest, but I got an error message. I am a follower on your blog and a follower on twitter;)

Ronda Gibb Hinrichsen said...

Sorry about that, Kellie. Thanks for letting me know. I've fixed it! I hope.