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Monday, October 1, 2007

Tag with a Twist!

I've been tagged, but the "twist?" I'm answering with a purpose in mind. First, pretend I'm the reader (Maybe an editor? A reluctant reader?) you most want to "catch" with a story you've written (or if you don't have one, use a published novel). Next, study my "tag" to find out what most interests me:

My Reading: My favorite books are those that grab my heart and keep me turning the pages to the very end. Usually, that means "Gothic romances" which are filled with real romance--not explicit sex, suspense, and themes that make me think. In other words, I like the kind of books I'm trying to write, which is romantic suspense with "meat."

The best examples I can think of are "Jane Eyre" and "Rebecca." Yes, they're old, and yes they might be hard to read (the old writing style, you know), but they are soooo romantic, soooo suspenseful, and soooo thought provoking. Fortunately, there's a modern Gothic I love, too: Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight" series. Whoever thought the "much older hero with a haunted past" could come back to thrill us all?

Total number of books owned: Like every other author I know, this is nearly impossible to calculate. Books are not only our life blood, but also our "study guides."But if I had to guess, I'd say somewhere up to a hundred or so (but then, I have no idea how many are packed in the basement). I know this might be a small number compared to some of you out there, but remember, as I said before, I like books with "meat," so I don't just buy books because they're books. I buy books--both fiction and nonfiction--that I think will enrich me in some way. The only nonfiction I tend to buy, however, are "How to Write . . ." books. The rest is fiction.

Last Book I Bought: I haven't read it yet, but because it's in my desired "market," I bought Brad E. Hainsworth's "Revenge and Redemption." Just prior to that, I bought "Eclipse" and "Austenland."

5 Meaningful Books:
1)- "The Book of Mormon" and all the scriptures. Not only do I rely on them throughout all of my life, but also in my writing. I can't even describe how many "inspirations" and "you must do this" messages I've received through reading them.

2)- "The Outsiders," because it was the book my 6th grade teacher was reading to my class when its "golden" words caught my heart and filled me with the knowledge I would be a writer.

3)- Shakespeare and all the classics, both fiction and poetry, I've read that have left their imprint on me.

4)- "Twilight" series. It's meaningful in ways I previously mentioned, but also because my own writing has improved as I've studied and mimicked her sensual--using all the senses--style.

5)- Jane Austen's books. I love her wit, her eye for romance, and her uncanny understanding of human nature. Somehow, she knows how to tug a girl's heart, even through the most "boring" of scenarios, like "Mansfield Park," all the way to the last page.

Third, and here's the challenge, "pitch" your book to me. Make me want to read it. If you'd like, you can use the following pattern:

When (character's name) faces (character's challenge/goal), he or she overcomes (these obstacles) and learns . . .

Hint: Try to keep your pitch limited to three sentences, AND it would be a really good thing to mention the romantic lead.

Finally, I tag: Stephanie Humphreys & Aneeka.

Have fun, all!


Tristi Pinkston said...

Rebecca is one of my favorite books of all time! And I have the movie (the Laurence Olivier, of course)

April said...

I love Jane Austen as well! It's funny that you mentioned using books as study guides. The more I learn, the more I analyze not only the plot or the characters, but the structure. I ask myself things like "why did the author write this? what is the point they are trying to make? Why did the character do this...?"